Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

GreenMe Solutions Inc. (dba GreenMe Solutions) is committed to protecting your privacy. Our Privacy Policy is designed to protect the information that we collect from you over the web while providing you with our products and services. We want to inform you of our Privacy Policy and to ensure you that we are taking steps to make sure that the information you give us is secure.

Collection of Information

We require information about our visitors, primarily clients and collaborators, in the course of obtaining GreenMe Solutions Inc. products and services through our website ( This information may include your name, e-mail, and similar data.

Usage of Collected Information

If you contact our customer service department regarding the order you have placed, we will have information about you and your order in order to serve you. We use your personal information to provide you access to specific areas on our website for you to upload and download data required to address your support issues. We do not collect information about our clients or visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organizations. Also, we do not automatically record personal data, or link information logged by other means with personal data about specific individuals.

Restricted Access to Collected Information

We keep your information private and do not share it with any entity outside GreenMe Solutions Inc., except as stated below. We do not sell or give your information to marketing companies. We might use the information to contact you when we introduce new products or services, and we might share your contact information with the providers of third-party software codes that we incorporate into our end-user products. You can ask us whether we are keeping personal data about you and/or a list of third-party provider companies by sending an e-mail to We will then provide you with a readable copy of the requested material. We will require proof of your identity before providing such data.

Operations Center

5810 Obata Way
Gilroy, CA 95020


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